This Constitution may not be altered or amended except at the Annual General Meeting, and notice of any proposed alterations shall be given to the Office, in writing, at least twenty-one (21) days and posted on the website at least fourteen (14) days before the Annual General Meeting. Changes to these bylaws must be approved by two thirds (2/3) majority of the members in attendance at the Annual General Meeting
President (Year 2 of 2 Year)
Vice President (2 Year Term)
Treasurer (2 Year Term)
6.5.3 Nominations for President & Vice-President - Nominations for President and Vice-President will not be accepted unless the nominee is a serving member of the outgoing board of directors or the person held a board position in the last 2 years. If the criteria cannot be met, written applications/nominations will be accepted up until the next Board of Directors meeting, which must be held before the Annual General Meeting. At that time, those applications/nominations will be reviewed and will then need to have a nomination put forth by a current Board member in good standing for this name to be put forward to a vote.
1-year Director Positions up for election: U7, U9, U11, U13, U15-18, Tier, Female, Female Minor, Equipment, Tournament
SUBMIT APPLICATION FOR NOMINATION NOW - MJMHA will verify with the nominee that they wish to run for a position