We hosted our AGM on April 13th. Thank you to everyone who tuned into the meeting via Zoom.
Several positions for the upcoming board are filled however some remain open. Please contact our office if you are interested.
2021-22 Board of Directors
Chris Flanagan - President
JD Craig - Vice President
Nadene Mac Angus - Secretary
Treasurer - Vacant
Tier - Darryl Markin
Female - Jamie Feiffer
Coach/Player Development - Shane Smith
Equipment - Derek Ross
U7 - vacant
U9 - Jaylyn Knudson
U11 - John Spencer
U13 - Ian Vickaryous
U15-U18 - Vacant
Tournament - Vacant
Thank you to the 2020-21 Board members who participated last year, congratulations to those who are returning/voted in for next season.