08:00 AM
U9B Warriors Red
U9B Warriors Grey
09:00 AM
U9B Warriors Black
U9B Warriors Blue
10:15 AM
U11 C Mavericks
U11 C atoMc Flyers
12:30 PM
U11 C atoMc Yetis
Caronport C
02:00 PM
U11 B atoMc Redwings
Caronport B
04:45 PM
Assiniboia Rebels 2
U13 CB Flyers
05:00 PM
Crushed Can Predators
Assiniboia Rebels 1
05:15 PM
Mad Greek Hornets
U15 CP Cougars
06:15 PM
Crushed Can Stars
Crushed Can Rangers
08:00 PM
Mad Greek Thrashers
Mad Greek Stealth
03:45 PM
U11 C atoMc Flyers
U11 C atoMc Bruins
05:15 PM
Mad Greek Mafia
U15 CP Cougars
06:15 PM
Crushed Can Kings
Crushed Can Predators
08:00 PM
Mad Greek Stealth
Mad Greek Hornets
07:45 PM
U15 CP Cougars
Mad Greek Stealth
04:30 PM
U11 C atoMc Flyers
U11 C atoMc Bruins
04:30 PM
U9C Warriors Light Blue
U9C Mavericks Purple
08:00 AM
U9C Mavericks Yellow
U9C Mavericks Purple
11:15 AM
U11 C Mavericks
Caronport C
05:00 PM
Crushed Can Kings
U13 Caronport Cougars

2018-19 Team Selection Process for Peewee "B"

Aug. 20, 2018

Hello Everyone,

My name is Kevin Gibbs and I am the PeeWee Division Director for the 2018/2019 Hockey Season.  I hope everyone enjoyed the warm weather these past summer months.  It is hard to believe that hockey is just around the corner.

After the Annual General Meeting there was some concerns from the members with the draft process for team selections in our Moose Jaw Minor Hockey House Divisions. I took it upon myself to create a new team selection format for the upcoming season. It was voted among the MJHMA Board of Directors to pilot the new format for the PeeWee house league.

Below is the 2018/2019 MJMHA Team Selection Process.  Please take the time to review and understand the format coming into this years hockey season.  If anyone has any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to email me.


General Comments for Parents Regarding Evaluation Process Please read:

  1. The evaluation process is an honest effort in conjunction with volunteers/potential coaches who commit many personal hours to ensuring a fair and consistent process for all players. No process is perfect, we are constantly striving to improve the process for the ultimate enjoyment of the game for all players at all skill levels.
  2. Your positive involvement in this process is a fundamental part to ensuring a successful and enjoyable hockey season for all participants.
  3. There will be a table available for all players to register for each skate and to receive their sweaters for the evaluation.
  4. Bring hockey socks, water bottles or anything you would need for a game for each evaluation.
  5. Having your child dressed and ready to go on the ice 15 minutes prior to their evaluation time.
  6. Staying positive. Support your child throughout the process. Do not sweat the small stuff - kids fall and miss passes. It is all part of hockey.
  7. For Peewee to Midget divisions, players will be divided out by forward and defense positions.
  8. MJMHA utilizes the services of member volunteers to complete its evaluation process.
  9. The evaluators will not evaluate their own children.
  10. The evaluators will follow the directions and guidelines as set out by the MJMHA Board.
  11. Potential head coaches are strongly encouraged to be a part of the evaluations process.
  12. During any evaluation process there will be a certain number of players / parents that feel the specific group placement of the player is not correct or may have queries as to their player placement so far. If this is the case, please remember that the skating groups are not indicative of team selection and the process should be allowed to continue its course to team selection.  However queries should be directed to the Division Director as this is the person most familiar with your childs situation, and most likely able to accurately address your thoughts.
  1. The evaluators are looking for game skills such as speed, transition at speed, puck control at speed, puck pursuit, physical play (Bantam and Midget), defensive and offensive abilities, fore checking and back checking abilities.
  2. Players will move up or down various skating groupings based upon evaluator marks but only after the grading has been tabulated.
  3. The group(s) the player skated with during evaluations does not necessarily indicate what team they will be placed on.
  4. In the end, it is ultimately the responsibility of the MJMHA Board,  Division Director and President to ensure the evaluations are well organized, fair, accurate, enjoyable, and run with integrity so that the players can participate competitively with and against players of similar skill and have an enjoyable hockey season. With that being said MJMHA reserves the right and has the ability to move players up or down at any time. The evaluation process provides MJMHA with guidance for the ranking only and MJMHA is not bound by them.
  5. Throughout this process, it is typical for the Division Director to keep the President apprised of the evaluation process and about potential concerns or issues that arise. In extreme cases, the Division Director and or President may become involved to facilitate resolution as he/she is ultimately responsible to the membership to ensure all the volunteers have completed their duties responsibly.
  6. Requests to match a player with a specific coach or another player will not be accommodated, and will only be considered under extenuating circumstances by the Division Director of the division with consultation with the President.
  7. The number of players per team will vary by age category and even team by team within an age category. Teams can be made up between 10 and 19 players.
  8. Parents/guardians shall not sit near or engage in any discussion with the evaluators during the evaluation sessions.
  9. A head coach may pick one assistant coach but additional assistant coaches, managers and trainers can only be picked once the team is awarded to the head coach.


  1. It is in your childs best interest to attend all the evaluation skates as there are many evaluators and some do not know all the kids and their skill levels so it is imperative that for minor hockey to achieve a fair and competitive league all kids should attend all evaluation skates.
  2. All injuries or absences must be reported to the division leader in charge of your child(s) division or phoned in to the MJMHA Office (306-693-4900).
  3. A player injured for the entire evaluation session will come under review of the Division Director and the team forming group.
  4. A player returning from injury part way through the evaluation process will come under review of the Division Director and President for placement.
  5. In the event that a player misses some or all of the evaluation skates, Coach Evaluation forms from the previous season may be used to determine proper placement of the player.


  1. All conflicts will be directed to the Division Director for each division.
  2. Evaluations will be documented and remain confidential. Individual evaluation scores and rankings will not be released, as the purpose of the evaluation is to select players for the formation of teams, not to rank players for the general membership. Under no circumstances will evaluation results be released to parent/guardians or players. The evaluation sheets and the ranking criteria will only be made available to the Division Director and President of the MJMHA for review/discussion in the process of selecting players to form teams. These individuals will not release evaluation data.

Note: It is usually the final 2 or 3 cuts which cause the most difficulties for the evaluators, coaches, players and parents. One person may consider the player good enough for the particular team whereas someone may disagree. In the long run both may be right, but a decision needs to be made and through this process supported. 

 Evaluations/Team Selection Process for House Divisions

  1. Evaluations will consist of three (3) ice sessions.
  2. The scrimmage sessions will consist of approximately 15 skaters and 2 goalies per group. (DEPENDS ON NUMBERS)
  3. The evaluation sessions will consist of a warm up of the players and shooting drill for the goaltenders. After the warm up then the teams will scrimmage followed by a cool down before leaving the ice surface. Evaluators will submit their reports after each session to the Division Director.
  4. After each day the Division Director will drop off all reports to the hockey office for calculation and verification.
  5. The Division Director in consultation with MJMHA office will regroup before each skate based on evaluation numbers.
  6. After each skate the kids may be regrouped if necessary, this will be under the discretion of the Division Director
  7. This is the end of all the evaluations.
  8. Players will be ranked from 1 to amount registered based on all evaluations (forward and defence for Peewee to Midget)
  9. At this time the MJMHA Board and Division Director(s) will make a final decision on how many teams will be in the divisions.
  10. The Division Director in consultation with the MJMHA Board of Directors shall choose the head coaches for all house league teams.
  11. The Division Director will contact and inform the head coaches to set up a meeting for team forming.
  12. All ranked players will be placed into boxes equal to the amount of teams in that division (example 4 teams = 4 to a box, 5 teams = 5 to a box)
  13. Division Director(s) along with the head coaches will place players on teams that are to be fair and created equal with the utmost priority of parity. The process will include all relevant criteria including, skill level, size, age, commitment level of the player and family.
  14. This is the end of the selection of teams.
  15. Completed teams are recorded then the coaches names are now put into a hat and drawn out by the order they were compiled (4 teams=A/B/C/D first coach picked will receive team A and so on.) At this point the Coaches son/daughter will then be paired with that team. This will be accommodated by switching that player with a player from the same evaluation box on another team.
  16. If a family has more than one child in a division and if they are evaluated in the same tier then a trade will be accommodated for family reasons. Players must be evaluated into the same tier or no trades will be accommodated. Requests to make player trades will be considered on a case by case basis, when dealing with traditional or blended families. 
  17. The teams are now final.

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