Equipment Return
As the season's final games are around the corner and another great season is soon to be behind us, equipment dropoff times are being coordinated to allow all teams the opportunity to drop off the equipment that was borrowed from the MJMHA office. This equipment includes
- jerseys
- jersey bag
- pucks
- puck bag
- pylons
- goalie equipment
- anything else that would have been borrowed and requires returning
- All items borrowed from MJMH shall be returned in good condition
- Jerseys shall be laundered before they are returned at the cost of the team
- Jerseys shall be returned in numerical order
Assuming the above to be true AND all equipment is returned, the equipment bond that was paid to MJMHA will be returned to the team. If items are missing or are in a state of disrepair inconsistent with normal wear and tear (at the discretion of the Equipment Director), a portion of the equipment bond will be kept by MJMHA to recover the cost of the damaged or missing item(s).
IMPORTANT - The equipment dropoff schedule is as follows:
- March 18 (7-9pm)
- March 25 (7-9pm)
- April 1 (7-9pm)
Drop off at the Minor Hockey Office - Moose Jaw Events Centre
Please aim to drop off all equipment within these windows; if equipment is dropped off at the office outside of these windows, the Equipment Director will not be available to validate the return, and the return of the equipment bond may be delayed as a result.
Thank you, and congratulations on a successful season!
Colin Winter
MJMHA Equipment Director